Public Art
ArtExpert is specialised in art at public spaces and will be a competent partner for architects, companies and communities.
We develop custom-made solutions and choose in co-operation with our client the best artist.
ArtExpert also evaluates art associated with a building, such as sculptures, stuccowork, frescoes or special features. A corresponding expert opinion is particularly recommended for insurance assessment and sales.

Architectural Design and Services
Within ArtExpert Network we provide for investors also Architectural Services (AAS) to realize specific tasks for collectors buildings, private museums, corporate buildings, hotels, public places etc. Special full services are possible for Greece, all over the country and the islands to establish your dream for artists residencies, art museums and state of the art buildings at the most beautiful places.
Insofar as mediation activities take place in this case, this is done exclusively within the framework of exclusive direct or sub-mandates.