Art Market
To be at home in the national and global Art Market
At no time art was really independent. To develop art and culture it need economic conditions. Even the lack of it is just the proof of this maxime. Of course quality, with the essential values idea and technic, is an important criterion.
But economic conditions push and control the way of participation. Anyway, artmarket is the economic system to handle art from A to B and to determine its economical value.
In general there exist a few wellknown ways to participate the art market:
• Artist to gallerist, collector, museum
• Gallerists /artdealer to collector, museum
• Artdealer/gallerist to artdealer
• Collector/artdealer to auction house
• Auction house to collector, artdealer, museum
• and, last but not least: art brokerage from private source
ArtExpert ArtBrokerage is a most efficient way to negotiate art straight under the best conditions.
ArtExpert evaluates and brokers rare ancient art, old masters, 19th century -, modern – and contemporary art.